Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

I hope all of you have had amazing days of your own. Mine was quiet and as relaxing as a day can be with two crazy little girls :)
Days like this make me miss home because I wish we could be there to spend the day with our moms. 
My mom happens to be one of the best out there! She has always treated me with such respect. 
I think that's the greatest lesson I've learned from her and what I most want to imitate. 
Even as a child, she talked to me like a person and always treated me as if she was happy I was there- 
not the annoyed, patronizing way that many people act toward their children.  
She never raised her voice or seemed the least bit angry with me. 
My mom is probably the most humble, self- sacrificing people I know.  
She can be tough when she needs to be but it takes ALOT to push her over the edge.  
She always acts with integrity and shows the love of Christ to those around her. 
Family is everything to her- she loves my dad with everything in her and my girls are practically the center of her universe. She would do anything for me and Gordon 
 she treats Gordon like her own son.
If I am half the mom she is, I'll be happy with that. I love you mom!!!


  1. Sounds like you had a pretty good teacher. And ARE a GREAT Mom!!

  2. Your Mom IS a great Mom...and you're following in her footsteps!!!
