My sweet Kaitlyn learns new things everyday! Yesterday I took the girls out in the backyard to swing and play. Addison was, of course, ready to go back inside looonngg before Kaitlyn. As I pushed Kaitlyn in the swing for a little while longer I asked if she was ready to go inside. She looked at me, paused, and said "Nooo". I couldn't help but crack up. It was just so darn cute! I have never seen her think so much about saying anything and then she just waited for my reaction. She thought she might get it wrong, might get in trouble, might be cute... you could tell she just wasn't sure. She is so stinkin' cute!!
Video taken today, one day after the original "no" ;)
Tonight is the night I have been dreading for quite some time. It is the night we begin weaning from the beloved "passer" (coined by Addison when Kaitlyn was still very little. Kaitlyn now calls it a "pass" but I think they will always be "passers" to me for the rest of my days). Anyways, obviously she enjoys having a pacifier or it would be a non-issue. I understand that, I really do but you must understand that "enjoy" does not come close in explaining her love. It's more like infatuation, pure love, addiction. I promised myself we would conquer this at 15 months this time. We took Addison's away at 16 months and I remember thinking that her memory had improved dramatically in just a month and that it would have been better if we beat that milestone ;) Sweet Kaitlyn gets her teeth in pairs or sometimes all four in a set come at once and, indeed, this was happening for the last few months. I couldn't bring myself to take away her passer when she was in such distress... Well, we have almost 3 weeks before our next vacation, her canines are all in (wondering if the 2 year molars are coming in but...), and we are finally healthy again sooo it's time. Tonight I cut a slit in the end of her passer. She held it, put it in her mouth, took it out and was generally just confused as to what was going on. And sad. She cried and cried and otherwise fought sleep and sometimes snuggles for about an hour and a half but then just couldn't fight it anymore. Much better than I expected. Somewhere in that hour and a half I was trying to give her words for her sadness and was commiserating with her on her loss. I was explaining that pass is broke now. I asked her to say "broke". She replied "broke pass" :(( Even when she's grieving she's just so irresistibly cute!
Oh, and also, during the crying fest, she learned how to open her bedroom door. Oh joy.
And, just in case I forget to mention it, her final two canines came in last week while on vacation (the bottom ones). One came in on Tuesday and the other on Thursday (I think... I fail at keeping track of teeth). I really hope my children can forgive me one day. I take pictures of just about everything possible but I just can't seem to keep up with the baby book thing...
Ok, I wrote this last night but went to bed before the video finished uploading... ;)