Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Just a quick post but Addison has been cracking me up lately :) She must be in one of those brain growth spurts. I've never actually read of such a thing but she would be the poster child for some research on it! Periodically she goes through these stages where she is learning so much and her communication skills just can't quite keep up. Here are some examples....

The other day I was busy doing who knows what and Addison came to me crying. As usual I asked "what's wrong?" but that was where the usual ended ;)
Addison answered through her tears "Kaitlyn doesn't know me." Containing my giggles I said, "Of course she knows you silly, what do you mean?"  Addison replied "No! She calls me Addy but I not Addy I Addison!!!" I lost it... she was obviously over tired that day but I thought it was hysterical :)

Then, a couple days later Kaitlyn was napping and Addison was helping me make cookies for a party we were going to. She doesn't let me get by with only allowing her to dump in the pre-measured ingredients anymore, she wants to be intricately involved in every step.  While I was still getting the dry ingredients together she asked if she could stir them. I said she could but she needed to wait just a minute. She let out a very heavy sigh and said "it's hard." "What's hard?" I asked.  "Being patient" hahaha

Last night as I was trying to get her tucked in bed she was stalling a little. We had the trundle bed pulled out and she was walking across it to climb in her "big bed" when she got distracted and started bouncing a little. I reminded her that we do not jump or even bounce on beds and she replied, "I just balancing. See you do your legs like this (squatting a little). When you don't have anything in your knees you balance them like this (bouncing up and down)." LOL She wasn't bouncing huge or jumping and I know some of you think I'm crazy but beds are for sleeping or resting. Anything else becomes a slippery slope and expects too much judgement from a 3 year old (or her 1 year old little sister).

I am so glad to say that we appear to be past the hard stage we were in for a few months and we have moved on to another fun stage instead!!

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