Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Vacation!!! Part 5 (Many Firsts)

It seems like vacations are always filled with many firsts for the girls.
This time was no exception.

Kaitlyn got to paint for the first time!!

She was VERY happy with herself ;)
I apologize for the lack of good pictures.
It was a spur of the moment decision to let her 
and it was slightly stressful for Mommy ;)
By the time I thought to grab the camera, 
the moment was pretty much over. O well.

While we were swimming one day, I told Addison about how her friends Rileigh and Logan had just learned to swim with no floaties and they loved it. I encouraged her to try it but, not surprisingly, she quickly declined that offer. A little while later she all of a sudden wanted to take her floaties off so I went with it. She did great!!! Her Daddy had run inside and before he came back she had mastered underwater swimming! (well, she couldn't actually propel herself but she tried to swim and wasn't the least bit fearful underwater so that is quite the accomplishment!!) Here is a sneak peak at the following family style swim lessons:
Don't you love our technique? We should patent it I'm sure.

I am still amazed at how quickly she caught on!!

Kaitlyn had loads of fun in the pool too!

She really did NOT want to be in a floaty.
A good part of her is convinced she can swim all by herself.
Kinda scary.

She may be swimming all over next year :)

I know these aren't "firsts" but they are too cute to ignore

One last "first"

Kaitlyn had herself pretty much completely potty trained
by the end of vacation!!! I had very little to do with it.
I was loving every minute of it though! She was keeping
her diaper dry ALL DAY! It ended just before our vacation though :(
This was her "I'm pretending to try to poop" face LOL
Thanks for bearing with me through this super long blog post!!

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